U.S. periodical reporting on Mexico, 1960-1985

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Norris C. Clement
Iliana L. Sonntag


En este trabajo se hace la revisión de dieciséis rotativos de Estados Unidos durante el periodo 1960-1985 con el fin de probar dos hipótesis: 1. Que el interés periodístico de México se manifiesta en una mucho mayor frecuencia en la aparición de artículos hacia finales de los años setenta y de nuevo en los inicios de los ochenta. Y 2. que el énfasis de los artículos comprendidos en este lapso recaería sobre los intereses económicos y geopolíticos que Estados Unidos tenía en México. Los periódicos revisados se agruparon en "semanarios de noticias", "periódicos de interés general" y "periódicos sobre política internacional"; mientras que la información sobre la frecuencia de aparición de los artículos se compiló de acuerdo al tema y zonas geográficas agrupada en quinquenios. La primera hipótesis se rechazó para el periodo 1976-80, no así para el 1981-85. La segunda hipótesis se aceptó para ambos periodos.ABSTRACTThis paper examines sixteen U.S. periodicals during the period 1960-85 in order to test two hypotheses:-That Mexico's increased newsworthiness would manifest itself in a greatly expanded frequency of articles in the latter part of the 1970s and again in the early 1980s-That the major emphasis of the articles throughout the period would be on U.S. economic and geopolitical interest in Mexico. The periodicals examined were grouped according to "news weeklies," "general interest periodicals," "business periodicals," and "international relations periodicals," while the data on frequency of articles were compiled according to subject and geographical areas and presented in five-year time periods. The first hypotheses was rejected for the period 1976-80 but accepted for 1981-85. The second hypothesis was accepted for both periods.

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How to Cite
Clement, N. C., & Sonntag, I. L. (2017). U.S. periodical reporting on Mexico, 1960-1985. Frontera Norte, 1(2), 91–103. https://doi.org/10.17428/rfn.v1i2.1655


Since completing this survey a study has been published in Spanish as a Cuaderno de Trabajo by the Colegio de la Frontera Norte. See José Carlos Lozano, Imágenes de México en la prensa norteamericana: Análisis comparativo de la cobertura de México en Time y Newsweek de 1980 a 1986. Tijuana, El COLEF, 1988.

This periodical did not begin publication until 1970, but it was included because of its importance in the field.

Ulricb 's International Periodicals Directory, 22nd edition, 1983.

Where the emphasis was on the relationship between the two countries, and therefore not geography specific, it was classified under "U.S./Mexico."

The Lozano study (see note 2) concluded that more than 50 percent of the space dedicated to reporting on Mexico addressed topics related to "crisis and conflicts." Although the methods employed in that study are much different than those employed here, that conclusion does not appear to be inconsistent with our findings in this study.