Integration of Haitian Immigrants of the 2016 Wave in Mexico

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Schwarz Coulange Méroné
Manuel Ángel Castillo


This article analyzes the nascent process of incorporation of Haitian immigrants of the 2016 wave in Mexico, especially in Tijuana, Mexicali, and Mexico City. We are interested in integration into two key social spaces: the labor market and socio-affective relationships. Through a qualitative methodology, we document the existence of notable differences in labor insertion in the three cities, with a clear “advantage” for those who live in Tijuana and Mexicali. On the other hand, despite the recent settlement of Haitians and their socio-cultural differences with the Mexican society, there are already mixed marriages and families. Although there is still a lot to achieve, there is no doubt that an integration process is underway, but mostly supported by civil society organizations and the ingenuity of Haitian migrants.

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How to Cite
Méroné, S. C., & Castillo, M. Ángel. (2020). Integration of Haitian Immigrants of the 2016 Wave in Mexico. Frontera Norte, 32.
Author Biography

Schwarz Coulange Méroné, El Colegio de México

Schwarz Coulange Méroné es doctor en Estudios de Población por el Colegio de México y Maestro en Población y Desarrollo por el Centro de Estudios en Población y Desarrollo (Centre d´Etudes en Population et Développement) de la Universidad Estatal de Haití (Université d´Etat d´Haïti). Su interés de investigación gira en torno a migración y mercado de trabajo. En específico, investiga la integración de las poblaciones de origen extranjero en el mercado laboral de países de recepción. También está interesado en la migración haitiana en América Latina y el Caribe, especialmente en República Dominicana, Brasil, Chile y México.


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