Catalanness to the North and South of the Pyrenees: Social Representations and Cross-Border Cooperation

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Perla Dayana Massó Soler


This article explores the symbolic construction of the border by actors in cooperation projects in the cross-border Catalan region. Drawing on Jerome Bruner’s narrative approach (with an emphasis on self-stories and micro-narratives) and the theory of social representations, this work provides an insight into the multi-dimensional relationship between borders and identities, and the connections between social representations and practices that illustrate cross-border aspects. Thus, the key focus of this analysis is to determine how current practices in terms of flows, passage, and cooperation in Europe influence imaginaries and the discursive construction of the border.

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Massó Soler, P. D. (2019). Catalanness to the North and South of the Pyrenees: Social Representations and Cross-Border Cooperation. Frontera Norte, 31(1).


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