Governance around the Great Lakes between Canada and the United States. Always in agreement?

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Frédéric Lasserre
Yenny Esmeralda Vega Cárdenas


Our objective is to analyze, from a geopolitical and legal point of view, the main challenges of water governance in the Great Lakes of North America. The analysis is based on an extended bibliographic search and a triangulation analysis of the corpus thus produced. The first part of the text identifies the concerns of riparian populations in recent years. The second presents the challenges of protecting the basin from climate change and political uncertainty. Overall, the text provides a better understanding of the construction of a transnational water governance model based on the community of interests, which seems to leave behind the old Harmon theory of absolute sovereignty. We will finally ask ourselves, if it will be necessary to attribute a new juridical status to this basin to protect these ecosystems from the challenges raised by climate change.

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How to Cite
Lasserre, F., & Vega Cárdenas, Y. E. (2022). Governance around the Great Lakes between Canada and the United States. Always in agreement?. Frontera Norte, 34.
Author Biographies

Frédéric Lasserre, Centre Québécois d'Études Géopolitiques

Profesor Departamento de Geografia Director Centre Québécois d'Études géopolitiques (CQEG)

Yenny Esmeralda Vega Cárdenas, Observatoire International des Droits de la Nature

Presidente, Observatoire international des droits de la nature. Doctora en derecho de aguas


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