Navigating Storms: Organizational Resilience of Small and Medium Sized Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises

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Brandon Velázquez Ríos
Óscar Fernando Contreras Montellano
Jaime Olea Miranda


The article aims to identify the factors influencing the organizational resilience of knowledge-intensive SMEs in Northern Mexico, specifically in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021). The empirical study is based on a follow-up survey conducted in 2022, which included enterprises from four metropolitan areas within the region. The findings indicate that the most resilient knowledge-intensive Mexican SMEs are those that originated as spinoffs, maintain organic connections with at least one multinational enterprise (MNE), and serve as suppliers to MNEs. These results are consistent with prior research highlighting the relationship between technology spillovers from MNEs and the absorptive capacities of SMEs. Additionally, they emphasize the need for further research into the role of regional innovation systems supporting SME resilience. The findings reveal that the most resilient knowledge-intensive Mexican SMEs are those that have originated from spinoffs, maintain organic connections with at least one multinational enterprise (MNE), and serve as suppliers to MNEs. These outcomes align with prior research highlighting the correlation between technological knowledge transfer from MNEs and the absorptive capabilities of SMEs. They also underscore the need for further exploration into the significance of regional innovation systems in bolstering SME resilience.  

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How to Cite
Velázquez Ríos, B. ., Contreras Montellano, Óscar F. ., & Olea Miranda, J. (2024). Navigating Storms: Organizational Resilience of Small and Medium Sized Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises. Frontera Norte, 36.


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