The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Spotlight. News Analysis of the Spanish Press Correspondents (2007-2008) from the Peace Journalism Perspective

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Maria Teresa Nicolás Gavilán


The mass media have a strong impact on International Relations. Foreign Correspondents are the key pieces of international information. This paper presents the model of peace journalism as a tool to analyze the frames that journalists give in covering a conflict. The case of study is the coverage made by correspondents in the Spanish press to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2007-2008. The results show that all journalists analyzed were prone to a peace journalism frame.

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How to Cite
Nicolás Gavilán, M. T. (2013). The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Spotlight. News Analysis of the Spanish Press Correspondents (2007-2008) from the Peace Journalism Perspective. Frontera Norte, 25(50), 65–95.


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