The Globalization Strategy of a Chinese Multinational: Huawei in Mexico

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Jordy Micheli Thirion
Jorge Carrillo Viveros


Huawei, a multinational company from China, represents a form of globalization that dif fers from classical internationalization patterns. It began operations in Mexico only 14 years after its founding in China; this represented one more step in its initial strategy of expanding into emerging economies. This article, using information gathered from interviews and observations that took place during 2014, outlines a general description of Huawei's internationalization strategy, and examines its assembly and logistical operations, as well as its processes of customization and innovation.

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How to Cite
Micheli Thirion, J., & Carrillo Viveros, J. (2016). The Globalization Strategy of a Chinese Multinational: Huawei in Mexico. Frontera Norte, 28(56), 35–58.
Author Biographies

Jordy Micheli Thirion, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Doctor en Diseño en la linea de Estudios Urbanos por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 2. Actualmente es profesor investigador del departamento de economía de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Jorge Carrillo Viveros, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Doctor en Sociología por el Colegio de México, miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel 3. Labora en el Colegio de la Frontera Norte desde 1982, institución de la cual es cofundador, y actualmente se desempeña como Director del Departamento de estudios Sociales en la misma institución.


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