Comunicación efectiva en inglés: preparando estudiantes de licenciatura en la frontera Estados Unidos-México

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Eduardo R. Díaz


The aim of this study was to examine the perspectives of 15 undergraduate students in terms of their choice of an academic program. The approach of this study was conducted through the qualitative case study. The results suggest that participants believe that improving their communication skills in English will facilitate their integration into the economy of the United States-Mexico border region. The novelty of this finding is that it prioritizes English as a second language for undergraduate students, perhaps at the level of discipline-specific program characteristics. The main limitation of this study was its focus on one side of the border.

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How to Cite
Díaz, E. R. (2020). Comunicación efectiva en inglés: preparando estudiantes de licenciatura en la frontera Estados Unidos-México. Frontera Norte, 32.
Author Biography

Eduardo R. Díaz, Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior

Profesor de tiempo completo de CETYS Universidad asignado a la Escuela de Administración y Negocios, campus Tijuana. Doctor en Liderazgo Organizacional por City University of Seattle. 


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