Sociodemographic and Migratory Factors in the Economic and Social Integration in Tijuana of Aging Mexican Deportees

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Alejandra Santiago Vargas
Rafael Alarcón
Luis Enrique Calva Sánchez


The massive deportation of Mexicans from the United States, including aging adults, has shocked the lives of millions of families. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the sociodemographic and migratory factors that influence the economic and social reintegration of aging deported Mexicans. For this purpose, a mixed methodology is used, combining descriptive statistics from the Survey on Migration in the Northern Border of Mexico with five semi-structured interviews about the life histories of older adults who now reside in Tijuana. The main findings of this study reveal that the longer the residence in the United States, the greater the legal consequences of deportation. In addition, strong social networks in both countries and command of the English language positively affect integration. On the other hand, advanced age, low educational attainment and a chronic disease such as diabetes hinder this process.

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How to Cite
Santiago Vargas, A., Alarcón, R., & Calva Sánchez, L. E. (2021). Sociodemographic and Migratory Factors in the Economic and Social Integration in Tijuana of Aging Mexican Deportees . Frontera Norte, 33.


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