Border Walls, Control Operations, and Laws: Some Collateral Effects of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1991-2021

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Guillermo Alonso Meneses


This paper synthesizes the micro-history of the border wall, highlighting the Tijuana-San Diego area in the period 1991-2021 in relation to legislation, border surveillance, and deportations. The objective is to analyze its evolution and impact as an axis of border control and as a modeling factor for the surveillance strategy of the border with Mexico. From a qualitative approach and based on ethnographic experience, a discourse analysis oriented by fieldwork information is made. This thematic intersection and intertwining of methods and techniques is unprecedented. After reviewing the main events, former presidents Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama were more decisive than Trump. Border walls only work in conjunction with the Border Patrol, ICE, and deportations or the southwest border wall system.

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Alonso Meneses, G. (2022). Border Walls, Control Operations, and Laws: Some Collateral Effects of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1991-2021 . Frontera Norte, 34.


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