Health Securitization and Immigration Border Control: Title 42 on the U.S.-Mexico Border

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Juan Antonio Del Monte Madrigal


Title 42 is an old U.S. health policy implemented in the service of immigration control in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims to discuss the argument about the logic behind the migratory containment strategies involved in this provision. From a documentary and bibliographic review of official data and testimonies of migrants expelled under this policy, the effects of this rule are reviewed, especially towards the populations seeking international protection, who were expelled to territories where their lives were in danger. Three ways of understanding are proposed to critically reflect on how a health policy has been implemented as a migratory restriction: the bionecropolitical governance of migrations, the global regime of security and health immunization, and the securitization of borders through constructing external threats.

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Del Monte Madrigal, J. A. . (2023). Health Securitization and Immigration Border Control: Title 42 on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Frontera Norte, 35.


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