The Role of Local Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship during the Economic Crisis: The Case of Baja California, 2008-2011

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Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda
José Guadalupe Osuna Millán
Martín Ramírez Urquidi
Natanael Ramírez Angulo
Antonio Escamilla Díaz


This paper analyzes the implementation of a regional public policy that favors the development of micro and small enterprises in Baja California's economy to mitigate a gloomy employment situation. Using estimated regression models, it was found that in a global economic crisis scenario where production and employment in large companies are constrained and workers are replaced by more technology-intensive processes, the proliferation of micro and small businesses is a compensatory mechanism to minimize the effects of unemployment.

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How to Cite
Mungaray Lagarda, A., Osuna Millán, J. G., Ramírez Urquidi, M., Ramírez Angulo, N., & Escamilla Díaz, A. (2015). The Role of Local Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship during the Economic Crisis: The Case of Baja California, 2008-2011. Frontera Norte, 27(53), 115–146.


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