Geospatial Approach to the Social Determinants of Cancer: Evidence from Chihuahua

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The spatial distribution of cancer deaths is analyzed in Chihuahua and a regional classification is proposed from a health perspective to understand the magnitude of mortality rates in the state. The methodology conducts exploratory data analysis (EDA) as well as inferential data analysis (IDA) using microdata from the National Information System on Health (Sinais) from 1998 to 2013 and the Encuesta Nacional de Gasto en los Hogares (Engasto) 2014. Results suggest that specific cancer causes of death such as colon represent a growing concern in some state regions, in particular an adverse scenario is found among female population at productive age.

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How to Cite
MANZANARES, J. L. (2017). <strong>Geospatial Approach to the Social Determinants of Cancer: Evidence from Chihuahua</strong>. Frontera Norte, 29(57), 83–106.


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