Which Maquila are you Talking about? Reflections on the Complexities of the Maquiladora Industry in Mexico

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Jorge Carrillo


This article offers a self-reflection on 30 years of investigation in the maquiladora industry in Mexico. It questions the knowledge obtained during intensive fieldwork to rethink and raise new questions and perspectives on the maquiladoras in the north of Mexico. It also reflects on those issues considered central: the precariousness, local economic integration, decision capabilities of firms and industrial upgrading. The author clearly shows that in this industrial activity, characterized by great dynamism, complexity and diversity, stereotyping and simplification of the maquiladora does not help to understand the concept of maquila, who recommends to have a broad perspective and a theoretical position, but also a certain distrust of what the theories tell us and therefore what is supposed to happen in industrial and labor situation in the maquiladoras and in the multinationals.

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How to Cite
Carrillo, J. (2017). Which Maquila are you Talking about? Reflections on the Complexities of the Maquiladora Industry in Mexico. Frontera Norte, 26(3e), 75–98. https://doi.org/10.17428/rfn.v26i3e.1682


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