Working and Giving Birth in the United States: Changing Strategies of Transborder Life in the North of Mexico

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Marie - Laure COUBÈS


This study analyzes the changes in two cross-border processes: employment and giving birth in the United States among the northern border populations of Mexico between 2000 and 2010. Various statistical methods are used to analyze the trends and the changes in the socioeconomic profiles of those who perform these practices. While the numbers of cross-border workers dropped, cross-border births increased; people with higher levels of education became increasingly represented in both categories. These results suggest that this border has become a more selective “blockade” for transborder interactions.

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VARGAS VALLE, E. D., & COUBÈS, M. .-. L. (2017). <strong>Working and Giving Birth in the United States: Changing Strategies of Transborder Life in the North of Mexico</strong>. Frontera Norte, 29(57), 57–82.


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